What would a perfect SQL Server health check report look like?

Here’s a brain-storm wish list of my dream sql health check (Did I really just say that? Dream sql health check? I did, didn’t I. That’s it, I’m knocking off early for a pint). —————————————————————– Useful for a DBA – minimum of unnecessary information, focus on actionable items, pinpoints issues to improve health Deliverable to […]

SQL Server Database Mirroring: Not Dead Yet (tips, tricks and hacks)

Not dead yet Sure, Database Mirroring (DBM) has been surpassed by its younger sibling Availability Groups, its full functionality reserved for Enterprise Edition, and it is marked as a deprecated feature. But it’s not dead yet. It’s still a valuable DR option (especially for Standard Edition) and it is an excellent tool for migration projects […]

T-SQL Tuesday #46 : Table Partitioning to Archive

This is my first T-SQL Tuesday post. Thanks to Rick Krueger (blog)  for hosting. On hearing this month’s subject I googled around a bit for the ‘official’ definition of a Rube Goldberg Machine. Wikipedia  has it as  “…a deliberately over-engineered or overdone machine that performs a very simple task in a very complex fashion, usually […]

Overview: SQL Database Mirroring High-Availability with Automatic-Failover

A High-Availability with Automatic-Failover SQL Database Mirroring Configuration consists of a Principal Instance and Database, a Mirror Instance and Database, and a Witness Instance.  Each instance must have a Database Mirror Endpoint – a special TCPIP endpoint with defined listener IP and port. A mirroring session is configured between these servers utilizing the dedicated mirror […]